FCCI Pathway to Purpose Blog

Jesus Flipped the Script

Written by Ryan Dickinson | Dec 27, 2022 12:00:00 PM


"Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”   Matthew 20:26-28


This whole leadership “thing” can be tough to figure out. The demands, the expectations, the goals, the issues, the pursuit of excellence ... it’s easy to let it all consume your life.

After all, society glorifies the business leader who only sleeps 3 hours a night and gives it all to make his or her company successful. The hero who charges hard, has all the right answers, and leaves the weak and ineffective in his or her wake is put up as an idol to be emulated.

Many of us grew up thinking that was the standard, the pinnacle of greatness in business. We dreamed of the day when we were at the “top." But what does Jesus say?

“Not so with you...”

Jesus flipped the script.

And He asks us to do the same.

  • In Jesus’ kingdom, there are different rules for greatness. Jesus says to us, “Lead like I do.”
  • In Jesus’ kingdom, leaders serve others.
  • In Jesus’ kingdom, leaders give their lives (i.e. our concept of greatness) as “ransom” to benefit others.
  • In Jesus’ kingdom, leaders love others like Jesus loves.

That’s what leading a company for Christ is all about. We join Jesus in His mission (the Great Commission) by leading like He leads.

It’s only by the Spirit of God that we as leaders can do that.

FCCI is about joining together with other, like-minded, servant leaders to encourage and equip each other to servegive and love others for the glory of Jesus Christ.

And, in that way, we can each let Jesus transform our “world” - the companies we lead and the people we love.

We pray that you see that happen in big and small ways today!

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