1 min read

How do I Bring Jesus into a Secular Workplace?

Bringing Jesus into a secular workplace starts with embodying Christ-like values in your daily actions and interactions. Here are some practical ways to do this:

  • Live Out Your Faith: Demonstrate integrity, kindness, and excellence in your work. Let your actions reflect your faith. Colossians 3:23 encourages us, "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men" (https://www.bible.com/bible/116/COL.3.23).
  • Build Relationships: Get to know your colleagues personally. Show genuine interest in their lives and challenges. This can create opportunities for sharing your faith in a natural way.
  • Use Your Platform: If appropriate, share your faith story during discussions or in small groups. You can also invite colleagues to events or discussions that reflect Christian values.
  • Pray: Pray for your workplace, your colleagues, and for opportunities to share your faith. This can be done privately or in small groups if your workplace allows it.
  • Serve Others: Look for ways to serve your colleagues and support them in their work. This aligns with Jesus’ teaching about serving others (Mark 10:45).
  • Be a Peacemaker: In times of conflict, be the one who promotes understanding and reconciliation. Jesus taught us the importance of peace (Matthew 5:9).
  • Create a Culture of Encouragement: Recognize and celebrate the achievements of others. This can help foster a positive work environment.

Remember, it's essential to approach this with sensitivity and respect for others' beliefs. The goal is to be a light in your workplace without being intrusive.

For guidance on integrating faith and work, you might find FCCI's 5-Stage Transformative Journey helpful, especially the stages of "Standing Up in Your Calling" and "Stepping Forward in Faith." You can learn more about this journey at FCCI.

Feel free to explore more resources at FCCI's Library.

For on-demand answers to your faith & business integration questions, ask Aida: https://aida.fcci.org
