Shaping the Future: The Role of Christian Business Leaders in Fulfilling the Great Commission

It's a fact we can't ignore. The landscape of faith is changing, and with it, our methods of sharing the Gospel must evolve. The 2022 General Social Survey has brought a worrying trend into focus - an alarming 40% of individuals aged 18-34 NEVER attend church. This stands in stark contrast to the 11% reported in 1972. The dramatic shift signals a need for change in our approach to faith engagement, particularly among younger generations.
The question arises - if the young generation isn't in church, where will they encounter the Gospel?
At the Fellowship of Companies for Christ International (FCCI), we firmly believe that the answer lies in the workplace, where many spend a significant portion of their lives.
Christian business leaders have a unique, often untapped opportunity to be the carriers of the Gospel message. Through ethical business practices, a nurturing work environment, and explicit Christian values, companies can become platforms for the Gospel. Recognizing this potential, FCCI's mission is to empower Christian business leaders to wield their influence effectively for Christ.
Our belief is that the future direction of our country largely depends on these leaders and their capacity to help fulfill the Great Commission. FCCI exists to provide the necessary resources to these leaders - like-hearted peer community, practical training, and strategic resources that help them operate their companies for Christ.
We invite you to be a part of this transformation. Together, let's face these challenging cultural tides head-on and build a future that not only respects but also cherishes the Christian faith.
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In Christ,
Ryan Dickinson
Executive Director
Fellowship of Companies for Christ International (FCCI)
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